Green Strategy for
Water Management

Our strategy integrates Nature-based Solutions because they are sustainable, cost-effective, and beneficial in multiple ways
They can be applied to a range of challenges from reducing carbon emissions to solving societal problems such as income inequality, food security, and other inequities
Nature offers multiple solutions to the many problems humanity faces today

The ‘Climate resilience for a rural community: El Pilon demo case’ project was supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering, under the LIF Community Grants scheme.
We would also like to thank the British Embassy for their continued support to innovation in Mexico
Nature feeds us, provides us shelter, regulates our weather patterns, fuels our economic growth, protects us from disasters, and nature is the foundation of human health
We stand at a crucial moment in time, what we do or don't do in this next decade will determine to a large extent the fate of our planet
Water access approach sparks chain reactions that shift people’s habits and expectations, it transforms how countries or communities work and delivers lasting change in people

Inspired and supported by nature to improve integrated water management
Watershed model

Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and recycle water for non-potable uses
Establish flood bypasses constructing wetlands to reduce downstream flooding
Connect rivers to floodplains and aquifers
Water harvesting capturing rainwater from roofs
Managed Aquifer Recharge, water can be infiltrated at foothills helping against groundwater overdraft, especially in aquifers where suffer water depletion
Territorial ordinance and strategic community plans
Forest landscape restoration
Growing crops across slopes to reduce erosion and increase infiltration
Gabion check dams to reduce water speed, store water upstream, combat desertification, and improve infiltration
Protection of current water supply systems through the strategic enhancement of groundwater recharge, we have designed an innovative system to conserve the rainwater under the surface
Rainwater harvesting needs to become mainstream

The main and disruptive element of this strategy it's our patented water supply system, which percolates water into the ground helping nature to conserve and store water in the alluvial aquifer as a rainwater harvesting system, so it represents several benefits for nature and users where conventional infrastructure does not provide